Thursday, June 11, 2009

You are 2 today...

My son is 2 years old today - June 12th. Dah besar anak mama + anak ayah ni.... Seemed only yesterday i saw you were born, held you in my hands and call for prayers in your ears. Today, here you are on your 2nd birthday. Subhanallah....

Happy Birthday my son - may Allah bless you in this life and the next, may you be a man who will stand tall and never lose your virtue. Mama and Ayah will always doa the best for you in everything. My prayers also that Allah grants us both long life and health so that we can see the greatness of a man you'll become and we can both then shed tears of happiness to know that all our efforts, hardship and prayers have come true.

On this day i hope you will forgive me for all that i have hurt you directly or indirectly. I am only human too and lack all the qualities a father can be. All that i have of me is love, love and more love. That is all i know and all other qualities fall short of what i am. So my son - please forgive me as all the sin in this world to you is for me trying to be a father that i might never be. Though i may fall short of being a father to you - i always pray that you'll be someone better than i can ever be with the blessings of Allah.

Enough said......let's enjoy the cake!

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