Thursday, July 9, 2009

Say I understand....but is that the truth?

I was talking to a friend recently about what we go through in life - the pain, hardship, heartache, sorrow, misery... We all cannot run from that, all that is in our life comes in pairs - man & woman, day & night, sun & moon, negative & positive...everything. That will surely include happiness & sorrow....

One thing i never agree (maybe it is just me and others might object) is that when we share our pain with others - we often hear the words of comfort ~ 'i know how you feel....'. But is it true? Do you agree? I surely don't because no one can ever feel the same as what we feel. No one is the same. Yes - someone might have some idea of what we endure but to lay claim they know exactly and precisely what you feel deep inside?

Why they say that? A lie? it a white lie to make us feel better. Still we have to be thankful we have others who would listen to us and what we have to take out from within...

What we go through is a test, a challenge from God to see how we will react and proceed from then on...

" Life is an opera stage and we are the puppets..." but who pulls the strings?

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